About the project
Project "Protection of most valuable flora species of the Karkonosze National Park - the Living Gene Bank in Jagniątków"
The goals of the project:
- Restitution and conservation of biological diversity of Karkonosze flora at species and genetic level.
- Protection of plant species regarding their geobotanical diversity, with particular attention to endemics and postglacial relics.
- Maintenance of native eco-types of plants as a base for rehabilitation of distorted habitats.
- Protecting and increasing the amount of gene resources through generative and vegetative reproduction and through protective operations on species and habitats in situ via multiplication of rare and endangered types of flora in order to introduce them into their natural positions.
- Raising public awareness of nature through ecological education based on presentation of protective operations ex situ in the Living Gene Bank in Jagniątków.
Taken actions:
harvest of seeds and parts of plants for long-term storage, multiplication of plant species in soil and in controlled conditions, enrichment of biological diversity based on local eco-types of plants, creating of gene archives, production of seeds and seedlings to introduce species into their natural habitats, development of restitution program for the most endangered species of flora, monitoring of natural habitats of endangered species, ecological education.
Ecological effects:
conserving the genetic resources of the most valuable species, increasing the number of rare and endangered species and unique local populations, restoring of extremely endangered species population and increasing their acreage, preparing the planting material to restore biodiversity of distorted habitats, protecting against degradation and disappearance of high ecological and legal rank species (Nature 2000, legally protected species, endemics, glacial relics, species of high regional rank).
The facility will be divided into three parts:
- the exhibition and education part, designed for sharing it to the public, with the plant collection of the Karkonosze Mountains, infrastructure for conducting educational classes, a butterfly conservatory and a playground for the youngest,
- the production part, with nursery tents and a greenhouse-a place for multiplication of endangered plant species,
- the storage part-place of storing produced seedlings of trees and shrubs, and also a composter.
In the exposure part there are planned two round tents for Parnassius Apollo raising, as a part of project Dolnośląska Edukacja Ekorozwoju (project number 226/09 Reintroduction and restitution of Parnassius Apollo on Lower Silesia). One of the tents will be available for visitors, as a place of free flights for butterflies. There it will be possible to observe closely the species of butterflies characteristic for the Karkonosze Mountains, including very rare Parnassius Apollo spice.
"Protection of the most valuable species of flora of Karkonosze National Park - the Living Gene Bank in Jagniątków"- total project cost - 2 334 564,95 PLN; total amount subsidized by The European Union from European Regional Development Fund - 1 984 380,20 PLN.
Tłumaczenia na język
angielski dokonała młodzież Liceum Ogólnokształcącego w Kamiennej Górze w
ramach programu Erasmus+ KA2"